Sword Art Online Progressive Transient Barcarolle, Vol. 1 (9781975317539)

Though the fourth floor of Aincrad was supposed to be only a dreary, dried
up riverbed, it's been transformed into a lattice of countless canals! Kirito
and Asuna will need a gondola if they want to continue forward...

Product details

  • Paperback | 368 pages
  • 124 x 185 x 15mm | 145g
  • Yen Press
  • New York, United States
  • English
  • 197531753X
  • 9781975317539
  • 255,596

Download Sword Art Online Progressive Transient Barcarolle, Vol. 1 (9781975317539).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.


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