Black Flag (9781541147782)

Why does he do that? Why does she behave in that manner? How many times have you considered, discussed and debated the behaviour of a partner, friend, family member of colleague when their behaviour has left you puzzled? Why do they always react in a certain way? Why do they behave in that odd manner? Most of the time it is an abusive action which is being delivered by a narcissist but the victim has no idea why this is happening or who they have tangled with. People may have heard of projection, triangulation or gaslighting but would you recognise it when one of those manipulations is being played out against you? Chances are the answer is no. Here are fifty real life manifestations of abuse which show up as a black flag in a relationship with a narcissistic abuser. Not only does this direct compendium detail what those forms of abuse show as, what they really are and what the effect can be, you will also learn from a master practitioner why this happens. Remarkable insight and enlightenment.

Product details

  • Paperback | 184 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 10mm | 254g
  • English
  • 1541147782
  • 9781541147782
  • 862,999

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