Lola y Leo : Libro del alumno + audio MP3 descargable 1 (A1.1) (9788416347698)

Lola y Leo 1 is a manual for children aged 7 to 11 with a straightforward, fun method. Students learn through child-focussed themes in a progressive and playful manner: they talk to their colleagues, draw, sing, perform and listen to real, natural audios. It is made up of seven units, three intercultural sections and an annex containing cut-out material to make activities more dynamic. Each unit has very dynamic activities, vocabulary, grammar and phonetics sections and an engaging manual activity to keep learning and playing. It incorporates a new concept of visual grammar for students to learn more clearly and playfully. It also comes with seven original songs and a video to learn the ABC (downloadable content).

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Download Lola y Leo : Libro del alumno + audio MP3 descargable 1 (A1.1) (9788416347698).pdf, available at for free.


Das kleine Einmaleins des klaren Denkens (3406586848)

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